This year, as the Solemnity of St. Joseph fell on a Sunday, it was moved to the following Monday. But on the same day, 19 March, Mother Maria Blanca took her perpetual vows in the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victim. She had the grace to make her perpetual consecration on the same day she took her first vows, 19 March 2017. The ceremony was presided over by Mgr Reinaldo Nann, who congratulated Mother Blanca on her decision to consecrate herself definitively to God.
When Mother Blanca received the news that she had been admitted to vows, she entrusted herself to the adoptive father of Jesus. “I asked him that it would be the same day, I prayed with all my heart that it would be on the 19th, and Saint Joseph did not disappoint me,” Mother Blanca affirmed. “That is why today I asked St. Joseph to help me to give my definitive yes to the Lord.
At present she works in Corralillos, Cuba, in the diocese of Santa Clara, where she carries out her missionary work with enthusiasm and joy.