What is vocation?
– Pope Francis speaks to us of the “dream of vocation”.
“I pray that you will experience this same joy, dear brothers and sisters who have generously made God the dream of your lives, serving him in your brothers and sisters through a fidelity that is a powerful witness in an age of ephemeral choices and emotions that do not bring lasting joy.”
– Our Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI says that, vocation is… “to walk in the footsteps of Christ.”
“Vocation is not the fruit of any human project or clever organizational strategy… In its deepest reality, it is a Gift of God.”
– And the lover of youth, St. John Paul II says: “The adventure of holiness begins with a yes to God.”
“Young people, do not be afraid! Open the doors to Christ! Open wide the doors of your hearts to Christ the Lord!”
– Our Father Bishop Frederick Kaiser said:
“From among all His creatures God chooses those whom He wills, so that they may live closer to Him, and He makes known to them, His call…” He entrusts them with a special mission, which we can summarize in a few words: to be witnesses of his love.
Three are, then, the constitutive elements of every vocation: choice, call and mission. And especially of the religious vocation.
To be chosen means that He has endowed us with human qualities that we can strengthen with divine grace; with these, we can respond to God’s call, to consecrate ourselves to Him and to put all that we have at the service of others. Essentially, the life consecrated to God, whether in the priesthood or in religious life, consists in living solely for God in a total gift of self. And since the one who loves God also loves all that is of God, then we serve our brothers and sisters.
Some of us are fascinated by the life consecrated to God, but at the same time we are afraid. Fear, because we realize that total self-giving implies renunciations. Fear of making a mistake and being a failure.
If the fascination is greater than the fear and makes you happy and leaves you at peace, it means that God is really calling you. You can overcome fear by trusting in the One who calls you. But remember: “He who calls with these words: Follow me! will give you the strength and the grace to reach the beautiful goal to which He calls you”.
Do not let the seed of your vocation perish in the desert of fear. Get on the road and seek help to discern your vocation, write to us!
A letter to you:
Dear Young Woman:
For you who have already finished your secondary or higher studies, or maybe you are about to finish them. These lines are for you. Even if you do not feel any interest in its content, read it, I ask you:
Have you ever thought that you might have a certain inclination for religious life, that is, for consecrated life? Well, here’s a proposition for you!
We know that you are a young girl full of enthusiasm, full of youth, with great ideals and abilities, that you wish perhaps to put them at the service of others. Maybe you want to find happiness, the True Happiness, because you know that a superficial life, short-lived, is always empty of content and leaves one very bad.
Perhaps, a restlessness, or perhaps some doubt, may arise in you. In any case, God often uses one circumstance or another to call us to his service.
We already know that you are a young woman of character, determined, with the vigor of your youth and noble ideals. The VOCATION to religious life, to consecrated life is the most precious pearl that you have been able to find in your path. Let’s put it another way, it is the GIFT, THE GIFT, THE GRACE, THE DETAIL OF LOVE more perfect and tender with which God has been able to look at you, to choose you, to choose you among so many young women so that you can live closer to Him. It is a SPECIAL BLESSING that God grants to those who call and respond.
Religious life – as well as married life, and in general all life – demands sacrifice, sometimes leaving what is most precious, for example: leaving one’s father, mother, siblings, or even one’s own profession; but listen to the words of Christ: “…All those who have left house, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or lands, for my sake, will receive a hundredfold…and the inheritance of eternal life” (Mt. 19:29). These words are full of hope and confidence. So, I invite you to open the doors to Christ! As St. John Paul II used to tell us: “Courage, do not be afraid! to open the doors wide to Christ!” Do not be afraid, dear young woman! Christ awaits your generous yes! after the example of Mary who said yes to the Lord, even when she did not know what was going to happen next. To her we owe our very salvation. Are you ready to give your yes to the Lord? Then get in touch with us!
Cenacle Convent Caravelí – Arequipa – Peru
Vocation Promoter: Mother Celestina MJVV 943402161
Nazareth Convent San Rafael – Mendoza – Argentina
Tel. +54 02627 434801