On June 29th, three Missionaries of Jesus, Word and Victim (MJVV), confirmed their yes to the Lord, celebrating 50 years of betrothal to Jesus. The Holy Mass was presided over by His Excellency Bishop Reinaldo Nann, who exhorted the religious to remain faithful to their vocation, and to be worthy of attaining one day the crown of eternal life. “All sufferings will one day be crowned in heaven, just as the Virgin Mary had no crown on earth, but there in heaven we see her crowned with glory. So too today, we see you with this symbolic crown, a sign of your fidelity to the Lord, and a symbol of the crown to come,” he said. The religious are: M. Catalina, M. Eufrasia and M. Celina.

During the Holy Mass they renewed once again their vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience, by which 50 years ago they united themselves to Jesus in the most sacramental betrothal, according to the book of ceremonies of the MJVV. The vows were received by M. Jacinta, Vicar General, as M. Miryam, Superior General, is visiting the mission centres.

After a month of retreat and spiritual exercises, the sisters shared their experiences with the community. “Everything is grace”, stressed M. Euphrasia. At the same time she was grateful to hear again the classes she had received directly from M. Wilibrordis, co-foundress of the congregation. M. Catalina expressed her gratitude for all these years of consecration. Above all, she expressed her gratitude “for the concern of our authorities, for the attention received in this retreat, and to our founders for giving us this Congregation and this charism in the service of the Holy Church”. M. Celina also expressed her gratitude for the retreat she had just experienced, and shared with the community the spiritual richness she had received. “Listening to our Father, in the recordings, is like having him present among us, giving us his inner richness, and then taking it to the souls”, she underlined.

At present, M. Catalina and M. Celina are on the missionary front, while M. Eufrasia is at the Mother House, the Cenacle Convent of Caravelí.

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  1. spina.daniella@googlemail.com

    Hello mjvv.org webmaster, Your posts are always a great source of information.

    1. THANKS.

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