From November 7 to 18, the parish priest of Dülmen, Germany, Father Markus Trautmann, visited the Cenacle Convent in order to get to know the places where the Servant of God Bishop Frederick Kaiser lived since May 26, 1971. Dülmen is the city of Frederick Kaiser’s birth, and there is the Church of St. Victor, where he was baptised in 1903 and was ordained a bishop in 1963. On this visit he was also accompanied by Father Franz, who helped him with the translation from German into Spanish and vice versa. Father Franz has previously worked in the Prelature of Caravelí and knows Spanish very well.

Father Markus has already published seven books on the Servant of God Frederick Kaiser in German. He has a newsletter about the Servant of God and his work. And also a website: with the aim of spreading devotion to the Servant of God.
Father Markus is also a historian. During his visit he gave a lecture on some facts about Frederick Kaiser in Dülmen. And he remembered Catherine Emerick, whom one day Frederick Kaiser asked to help him to reach his goal of becoming a priest.

For a few days, he travelled to some areas of the Caravelí mountains: Puquio, Pullo and Incuyo. He visited some of the places where the Servant of God Federico Kaiser left his mark: In these last two places the Missionary Sisters of Jesus the Word and Victim are currently working in their mission centre.

The nuns of the community thanked Father Markus for his visit with a recital of Peruvian music, hoping that this would not be the only visit.