I would like to thank Bishop Frederick Kaiser for the many favours I have been able to receive from him. Among them two that have touched me….
It happened in 1974, when I visited the Cenacolo Caraveli Convent. When I had to return, Bishop Kaiser prayed at Holy Mass for a safe journey, and told me that he would pray for me. I left for my destination, arrived in Atico after midday, I was waiting for the car to continue my journey to Lima, but I could not find a car to take me there. I was with my two little daughters, aged 5 and 6, who were bored by the long wait. At that moment, I remembered that Bishop Kaiser had blessed me and immediately a car appeared and stopped in front of me. The driver asked me what I was waiting for. I replied that I wanted to go to Lima. He offered to drive us. I asked him how much he would charge me. He replied: “Get in, we’ll talk later” So, we set off. Arriving in Nazca he said to me: “Madam, it’s time for dinner. Come down and use the money you had to pay me for your girls’ dinner” So I did. After that we continued our journey. Arriving in Lima she left me in a very safe place, recommending me to watch out for thieves. Then I boarded a bus that took us to Huancayo, my destination. I am very sure that Bishop Kaiser got me home safely. Since then I have been very devoted to him and with great confidence I ask him for what I need, and he fulfils it. I would say that Bishop Kaiser was already a saint during his lifetime.

A second favour: I travel very often to Lima for my health. On one of these trips I was returning from Lima to Huancayo. I was carrying two large bags, one for shopping and one for clothes. At the bus stop an unknown lady came up to me and asked me a question, I was distracted by this and at that moment my bags were taken away. My only reaction was to say: Father Federico, please help me. Without realising it, I had also crossed the track. I found a man whom I asked to help me get my bags back. He whistled at the thief, telling him to give them back to me. The thief immediately left the bags untouched and left. I was crying with emotion, thanking Bishop Kaiser for this favour…. After a moment the thief came back, begged my pardon and left.
E. Ch. A. Huancayo, Peru.