From a testimony taken in 2008. My name is H.C.M. and I live in Santa Clara, Uruguay. In December 2007 I had the confirmation of my suspicions that I was pregnant. I cannot describe the mixture of emotions I felt, because although I had a beautiful ten-year-old daughter, I had lost a two-month pregnancy and a baby boy at the time of delivery. These events had deeply scarred my life and I had no intention of getting pregnant for fear of suffering and making my family suffer more. We were all very excited about the possible arrival of a baby brother that my daughter had asked God and us for.

But soon complications began. I had a low chorion, and a few weeks later I started to leak. I was told to rest absolutely, which I complied with to the letter. That wasn’t all, as I had a bad case of the flu with a cough and constipation problems that were aggravated by staying in bed. Both aggravated my situation. I was desperate and very depressed. I thought I was losing him irretrievably.

In those days I was visited by the MJVV Mothers, who talked to me a lot and gave me the holy card of their founder, Bishop Frederick Kaiser, telling me about his life of holiness and the many miracles worked through his intercession. From then on, I prayed to him with devotion every day of my pregnancy.

The losses ceased despite the bad conditions for them. Later, they returned and were immediately cut off. I had placenta previa. These and other complications resulted in the decision being made six months into the pregnancy to ripen the baby’s lungs in case he was born prematurely. I kept praying to Bishop Kaiser to intercede for my son to be born healthy and strong. Thanks to that my son was born at 37 weeks without any problems.

I have to thank God very much for the beautiful son He sent me. And to Bishop Kaiser for interceding with him, for helping us overcome the difficulties we faced. We named him Emmanuel. Because we consider him a blessing for the family and another sign that “GOD IS WITH US.”

                                                                                                                                                    Uruguay, H.C.M


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