Vallejos is one of the villages we serve in Guasimal. It has a small chapel that was built by adapting a house that we were able to obtain. The patron saint of this village is St. Joseph, and we organise a week-long mission to celebrate his feast day on the 19th of March. We prepared some activities and home visits. We go to and from Guasimal by bicycle. The distance is 40 to 45 minutes.

The faithful were looking forward to their patronal feast. On the last day of the mission, we organised a common work to fix and clean their little chapel. It was beautiful to see how everyone who participated helped. The children were the most enthusiastic. They brought rakes, shovels, picks, machetes and brooms. The girls helped clean the ladies inside, while the boys cleaned the garden outside.


Even the little ones helped by throwing rubbish away or pulling weeds. In this way it was beautiful for their feast day.

On the 19th of March, they had the grace of having Holy Mass, since it was the Priest’s day. Everyone participated in the mass with great fervour. Then they paid homage to their Patron Saint. They sang “Las Mañanitas”, a lady recited a poem to St. Joseph, then all sang a song, culminating with a prayer made by all the faithful. They asked St. Joseph for his blessing and protection for his people and for the whole nation. It ended with a sharing organised by the whole community. Everyone was very happy on the occasion of their patronal feast.

I believe that St. Joseph, seeing how they celebrate their feast with such simplicity and enthusiasm, will surely from heaven shower copious blessings on this town.

Patmos Guasimal Convent, Cuba

Mother Gertrudis MJVV

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