Mijael Bruder, a German priest, and Rev. Fr. Leoncio Cordova, went to Caraveli to visit the MJVV. Father Mijael wanted to know the spirit of the founder, Bishop Federico Kaiser, who is also German. He also wanted to meet the bishop, but he was unable to do so because he was traveling. They arrived on the morning of the 15th. They celebrated Holy Mass in the Cenacolo Convent (Father Mijael) as well as in the Emmaus Convent (Father Leoncio). In the afternoon, Father Mijael gave a talk on Liturgy, and Father Leoncio on introduction to morals. On the 16th, both priests heard confessions. In addition, Father Leoncio gave a conference to the novitiate on affectivity. In the afternoon they embarked on their return trip.