Today, on the Solemnity of St. Rose of Lima, a new yes to the Lord was pronounced. Mother M. Aloysia MJVV, gave her definitive confirmation to Jesus Christ through Perpetual Vows. According to the form for this ceremony, she asked to be admitted to the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victim, and was admitted by M. Flavia MJVVV, General Councilor.

The Holy Mass was presided by Rev. Father Miguel Zapata, who exhorted the community saying: now is not when everything has already been achieved, but rather now is when we begin to live, to practice community life with its benefits and renunciations, for which we count on the help of St. Rose of Lima, to whom nothing bothered her anymore, but love led her to compose even a poem to the mosquitoes.

Mother Aloysia is from Yurimaguas, Loreto, Peru. But the Lord wanted her to develop her pastoral work in Uruguay. These have been the ways of the Lord for M. Aloysia MJVV.