On the Solemnity of Pentecost, Mother Maria Felicidad gave her definitive yes to the Lord, consecrating her life to the service of God and the Church in the congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victim. The ceremony was officiated by Reverend Father Miguel Zapata, in the Chapel of the Cenacolo Convent.

In his homily, Father Miguel pointed out that it is undoubtedly the Holy Spirit who helps her to give this definitive yes to the Bridegroom, in a very special mission. He congratulated her on this step taken for the glory of God. He also emphasised that it is not easy to reach this goal, because behind it are renunciations, sacrifices, dedication, but made for the love of God, who gives true happiness. He encouraged the newly professed to be happy in her missionary life.

Mother Felicidad has been working on the missionary front in the Peruvian highlands and now returns there with new strength to dedicate her life among the most abandoned and poorest.