On the solemnity of the annunciation of the angel to the Virgin Mary, in the chapel of the Cenacle of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victim, a new Fiat resounded, following the example of Mary. For 25 years ago Mother Maria Edgarda MJVV made her first vows, and yesterday she once again confirmed her Fiat to the Lord.

“Just as God chose the Virgin Mary, so God chose us and tested her many times, and in the same way he works with us. And Mary is the best of faithfulness that we can find, therefore we must ask her again and again to help us to be faithful”, exhorted the Reverend Father Miguel Zapata, at the Holy Mass.

For her part, Mother Edgarda, with her 25 years of experience in religious life, pointed out that “it is like a stream of graces that the Lord grants each one of us, in spite of the trials that we sometimes have to go through. But the secret is to discover Him there, because He is there, giving us the strength and graces to remain faithful to Him. And we must also consider the fidelity that embraces our whole life.
Mother Edgarda has been working in “Caraguatá”, Uruguay, as superior of the missionary centre there. And now she will continue to give her life to Jesus, Word and Victim, in the Peruvian highlands.