Today, on the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul, three mothers renewed their sacred vows: M. Socorro, M. Rosa and M. Esther, confirming their yes to the Lord, after 50 years of religious life and receiving the golden crown as a sign of their fidelity.

With their right hand raised, they promised to be faithful to Jesus until death, in a solemn Holy Mass presided over by His Excellency Mgr Reinaldo Nann. He said: “Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul, pillars and foundations of the Church, and at the same time we celebrate 50 years of fidelity in religious life of three foundations in the Congregation…. Although they can no longer make decisions, they have the powerful weapon of prayer”.

Mother Rosa MJVV, gave thanks for these 50 years of fidelity to God, recalling her first years as a missionary in the various mission centres. She remembered with gratitude Mother Trinidad MJVV, who worked with M. Wilibrordis MJVV from a very young age, being her vicar general. He emphasised the simplicity and dedication of M. Trinidad, working, going on missions on horseback, etc. She also remembered Mgr. Federico Kaiser with his words of encouragement.
Mother Socorro MJVV, for her part, thanked God, the founders of the Congregation, Mother Trinidad, M. Jacinta, and the community. “I was born in Caravelí, in terms of the supernatural life, the religious life. Here I learnt to live and love the vows…” she affirmed.
Mother Esther MJVV told of her vocation, pointing out how Divine Providence guided her to the Congregation. “The renunciations that we make for the love of God, the good God rewards them, because He is generous and does not allow Himself to be outdone in generosity”, she said addressing the community.