Today the church celebrates Teresa of Avila, better known as Teresa the Great. She was the one who one day carried out the reform of Carmel. Because of her deep inner life of prayer and intimacy with the Lord, she was driven to carry out this mission. Today the Church recognises her as a Doctor of the Church. For years she lived a mediocre life in her convent, until one day she was touched by Christ and her life was turned upside down.

Mother Wilibrordis MJVV, Therese Bonefeld, a saint from Avila, who was worthy of imitation, was very dear to her. Therese was baptised three days after her birth, and from that day on she will be her saint and protector. And because Therese bears the name of her namesake Therese the Great, the MJVVs celebrate the day of their patron saint.

At the Cenacolo convent the Holy Mass was at 11 am. and was presided by the parish priest, Rev. Father Jaime.