This morning, the Cenacolo Convent was filled with joy as three new sisters entered the Postulancy. They are: Sister Eudalina, Sister Yanina and Sister Gladis. They have given their first yes to the Lord. With this step they are getting to know the religious life of the MJVV Community and preparing themselves for the Novitiate. Mother Miryam, Superior General of the Congregation, was in charge of the ceremony.

In a simple ceremony, they received the heavenly veil in order to lead a fervent inner life in devotion and modesty, as the Neo postulants promised today in their ceremony. The heavenly veil means, among other things, that one’s thoughts are raised to the heavenly, there in the sky, where the true Heavenly Homeland is.

The Servant of God Frederick Kaiser used to say to his daughters: “Remember that life is short and that you must use it to sanctify yourselves”.