Praise Yahweh, was the song that resounded in thanksgiving in the Cenacle Convent of Caravelí. Today marks the 41st anniversary of the Pontifical Right granted by the Lord to the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victim, when Saint John Paul II was the Holy Father. The Holy Mass was presided over by His Excellency Mgr. Reinaldo Nann, who said in his sermon, referring to the 1st reading of the letter to the Colossians, that the Congregation is God’s chosen ones.

After the Holy Mass, there was a small procession to the Mausoleum, where the mortal remains of the founders, Bishop Frederick Kaiser and Mother Mary Wilibrordis, rest. There, the necrologist of the Congregation read the events of 14 and 15 October 1982, the date on which the news of the elevation of the Congregation to the status of Pontifical Right was received. Then the prayer to the Holy Trinity was recited, asking for the intercession of the Servant of God Frederick Kaiser. And the song was sung: O father see your daughters.

During the meditation, a recorded sermon of Mons. Federico Kaiser was heard in which he reminded that his congregation should always be contemplative, always seeking silence in order to find God. He also emphasised the words of the Nuncio Mario Tagliaferri, when he received the document of Pontifical Right:
It admires us and makes us reflect, that the Holy Spirit makes resurface in such a young Congregation those practices that have been so much left aside in the Church.