From time to time our congregation undergoes personnel changes. I knew that my change would limit me from going on the long-awaited missions for a while. So I hastened to ask to be sent on missions, at least for the Holy Week.
The Lord allowed me to go to Herbay Alto, in the province of Cañete-Lima. Together with Mother Norma, for whom it would be her first missions. We began with home visits, catechising the people about the value and meaning of Holy Week. We invited the faithful to participate in the liturgical acts, as well as to approach the sacrament of reconciliation.
I was able to experience that we are only instruments in God’s hands, through whom God acts. A little old lady, to whom we had spoken about the sacrament of confession, the sacrifice that Christ suffered for our sins, etc. gave me the typical answer: “I don’t go to confession because I haven’t killed anyone, I don’t harm anyone….”. Then, I don’t know why I said to him: “And all the bad things you have done in your past life, the children you didn’t want to have, your infidelities….”. And other things, which surprised me because I didn’t know why I was telling her. The lady began to cry and could hardly speak: “Yes, I have had two abortions, I cheated on my husband, I abandoned my children…”. I told her about God’s love and mercy and took her to the confessional. Surely in heaven there was great joy for this soul who after a long time was coming to confession.
We went to the kindergarten, the school and the college where we prayed the Stations of the Cross. They prepared themselves by staging their station, as well as their mural and a hymn. They were impressed by the innocent souls and their hunger for God. In the evenings we prayed the Stations of the Cross in the neighbourhoods, there was a response and participation from the people and, surprisingly, also from the men. Perhaps it was because the cross was big and somewhat heavy. Those who passed by on the street stopped to pray.

By Palm Sunday, the response was very pleasing. We started the procession from the entrance of the village, the people had decorated the streets and their houses. Soon Maundy Thursday arrived. We invited them to participate in the washing of the feet, and we explained to them the meaning of the transfer of the Lord to the monument, why we should accompany the Lord on that night. Thanks to the help of a nice lady who hired a decorator, the monument for the Lord was very beautiful. The faithful accompanied the Lord until midnight. On Good Friday, many went to confession, after the celebration of the liturgy, we prayed the Stations of the Cross.

Not only were we in Herbay Alto, but we accompanied the parish priest, Fr. Leoncio Córdova, to attend some of his villages. Everyone would have liked to have Holy Mass, but unfortunately the priest is not able to attend all the villages. So we had the opportunity to carry out: Celebrations of the Word, Baptisms, and four processions for Palm Sunday.

For the Easter Vigil, we did the seven readings. As Mother Norma sings very well, we invited people to sing the psalms, and the response was very good. I have always loved the Easter Vigil: To come out of the darkness, illuminated by the light of the candle which is Christ, moments in which one gives thanks to God and prays for the souls that God has entrusted to us, especially in these missions, so that the light of Christ also illuminates them.
I think it is encouraging for people to be encouraged to do great things. Taking advantage of their willingness to collaborate, we asked them for donations for the following year. At first they were shy, but when they heard the “reveille”, played on the mobile phone, they were very happy to offer themselves. With the joy of the Risen Christ, and at the same time the sadness of leaving the missions, we had to return to our convent. We took with us fond memories, and the commitment to pray for those who were enlightened by the light of Christ, and that many more may come to Him.
Mother Crescencia MJVV.