It has been almost a month since my mother was in agony, in intensive care. Every day the doctor said: “Her condition is serious, her heart and kidneys are damaged…”. In one of her lungs, in addition to the fibrosis, we found a tumour mass. Added to this was pneumonia. Days went by, a fever was added and she was still unconscious, they could not control her despite the extreme doses of antibiotics.
The whole family asked the doctor not to do any more tests to add to her suffering. We started to make arrangements for her burial…. One day, 16 April (2018), she was transferred to intermediate care and we went in with my sister to visit her, as usual. To our surprise we found her lucid and smiling, sitting up. We congratulated her for her effort and sacrifice on her part, and said to her: “she looks like a little queen”. Then she looked at me, overflowing with joy, and said: “This is all thanks to your Bishop Kaiser. One night I smelt the smell of roses, very rich, and he came to my bed and blessed me. I saw him with his usual smile, just as I knew him in Caravelí. Yes, I owe all this to him. I always pray for the congregation”.

Dumb with surprise, we looked at each other and my sister. Now my mother is at home, happy and grateful. Seeing such a great miracle, we went to talk to the doctors, hoping that they would pronounce that it was a prodigious event. However, the doctors said: “Well, the lady had two options: death or to respond to the treatment. That’s the way it is, the treatment has made her better.
In spite of the doctors’ opinion, I am convinced that another miracle happened here, through our father Federico. In gratitude for this and for the greater glory of God, I am making my testimony public.