To commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the departure to heaven of the Servant of God Frederick Kaiser, an International Congress has been scheduled to make known his life, his virtues, what he bequeathed to the Church, etc. The event will take place on September 30, 2023, at the Sacred Heart Women’s University (better known as UNIFE), located on block 9, Los Frutales Avenue, La Molina, Lima. The day will begin at 9 a.m. and will end with the solemn Holy Mass scheduled for 6.15 pm.
The various conferences will be given by:
- Msgr. Manuel Fanjul, doctor in Liturgy, ” The beauty of the saints in the life of the Church”.
- Father Ernesto Rojas, doctor in Theology with specialty in Church History, “History of the Church in Peru at the arrival of the Servant of God”.
- Mother Crescencia Francia Chumpitaz, Licentiate in Church History, “The Person of the Servant of God in the light of the historical documents of the archives of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Word and Victim”.
- Dr. José Antonio Benito Rodríguez, doctor in History of America, member of the Peruvian Academy of America, “Peru, a land ensantada, and the contribution of the Servant of God Federico Kaiser”.

The event will be broadcast live on Federico Kaiser’s Facebook account. As the number of participants in person is already limited.