My name is Mother María Amábilis, and I am currently working in the parish of San Pedro de Haquira- Apurímac. I went with Mother Andrea to one of our communities. We made home visits and a lady, Pilar, received us very excited „when I see you, it gives me great joy“ she said. Why, we asked her.
She married very young to a teacher, eight years older than her. They had five children. When she had been married for five years, her husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a disease that would lead to his death.

Mrs. Pilar was left alone with five children, where the oldest was seven years old and the last one was only four months old. Her husband was buried in Arequipa. When she returned home to Mara, she did not want to accept that she had lost the father of her children. As the days went by, her anguish and sadness increased, and she entered a state of deep depression. She thought of taking her own life and that of her children. But she remembered the words that Mother Rosario told her when she was still a teenager: „Remember that the Virgin Cocharcas helps, consoles and listens“.
Her family did not support her or help her in any way, Why did you have so many children? They reproached him. No longer in the mood to do the housework, she abandoned herself to her fate, having her home in complete disarray. Her only idea was to take her own life.
Early one day, unbeknownst to her, two mothers arrived at her house and entered it. Surprised by what they saw, the mothers asked her why her house was in such a mess. In tears she told them her whole story and the drastic decision she had made. The mothers listened to her, advised her and helped her. A feeling of gratitude was born in her towards God, the Virgin of Cocharcas and the mothers of Haquira.
„God sent me two angels who made me change my mind,“ she said. With new courage she raised her children and educated them with God’s help. Today the children are all professionals.